Davinderpal Toor

Picture of me from prom

Davinderpal Toor

Hello there, my name is Davinderpal but I go by Dav. This is a website I made to centralize a lot of creations in my life that I'm proud of for one reason or another.
This was originally started because I was gifted the domain davinderpal.com by my good friend Zhongyou Wu.
I'm a self-taught Web Developer who is now doing Computer Science at UT Austin. I also enjoy doing digital art, reading manga, and all things Pokémon related.
I also enjoy messing around with spreadsheets and am looking to get more skilled in Game Development although I have made a few very small-scale low-quality games in the past. You can check those out in my Portfolio and I would appreciate it if you gave me any feedback on them even if it is negative.


There's nothing you could ever do that would be pointless.” - Ash Ketchum
I'm not a hero. I can't make anyone happy with any result. I can only do what I deem right with me, not hating my choice at a later point.” - Osamu Mikumo
Working towards your dream is so much fun! Sometimes things might not go too well, and you get depressed… but that just gives you so much more joy when you do succeed!” - Serena
The things about dreams… the bigger they are, the more worth it they are, and the more exciting!” - James